Día de Muertos is Spanish for the day of remembrance of those who have died. Día de Muertos is a holiday observed throughout Mexico, especially the Central and Southern parts, and by people of Mexican descent living elsewhere, especially the United States. This holiday is celebrated for 3 days, starting from October 31 – November 2.
Pokemon Go game online is taking part in celebrating Día de Muertos and is very excited to introduce this Mexican tradition to the whole country, especially for Pokemon Go trainers. People celebrating Día de Muerto get ready to set the table with the favorite dishes of their ancestors full of joy accompanied by music, flowers, dancing.
Día de Muertos Celebration in Pokemon Go 2023
At this event we will choose Pokemon Cubone and Marowak as special Debut Pokemon wearing the cempasúchil crown costume. Catch as many Cubone Pokemon as possible that are scattered along your path. By collecting 50 Candy, you can evolve Cubone into Marowak. Get Shiny Cubone or Shiny Marowak in hunts that take place around the clock.
Enjoy the Profitable Día de Muertos Event Bonus
While the Día de Muertos celebration is taking place, trainers will find Pokemon Cubone or Marowak more often than other Pokemon. Look for popular locations that have lots of Pokestops and Gyms to make it easier for trainers to get special items to increase CP and make Pokemon HP stronger. Don’t forget to use the Lure Module and Incense to attract Shiny Pokemon to your location. Good news for trainers that they can get profitable event bonuses such as:
- The activated Lure Module will last longer, namely 90 minutes.
- Incense activated during the event will last for 90 minutes, not including Daily Adventure Incense.
- Catch candy is worth 2x.
Pokemon Special Events You Can Get
In accordance with the ongoing celebration, trainers will find several Pokemon species wearing flower costumes which will symbolize the Pokemon Event. The following is a list of Pokemon Día de Muertos Event names that use flower decorations:
- Cubone
- Marowak
- Duskull
- Alolan Marowak

Pokemon Discovery in Wild, Incense, and Lure Module Groups
The Día de Muertos event which takes place in Pokemon Go provides special excitement for trainers. Not only can you enjoy a more attractive game background with colorful flower decorations, a number of certain Pokemon will appear to fill the trainers’ Pokedex. You can see that there are 3 categories to find the complete Pokemen for the Día de Muertos event, by:
- Wild Encounters
While playing the game without using assistance items, trainers can find various Pokemon, such as:
– Sunkern
– Sableye
– Roselia
– Duskull wearing a cempasúchil crown
– Drifloon
– Litwick
– Cubone wearing a cempasúchil crown
– Yamask
– Phantump - Using Incense and Lure Module
When trainers use Incense and Lure Module items in carrying out game missions, they can find various Pokemon, such as:
– Sunkern
– Sunflorta
– Houndour
– Sableye
– Roselia
– Duskull wearing a cempasúchil crown
– Drifloon
– Cubone wearing a cempasúchil crown
– Flabébé (Orange) - Completing Missions or Tasks
In completing daily missions in the Pokemon Go game, trainers will get the opportunity to catch Shiny Pokemon, in the form of:
– Sunkern
– Drifloon
– Litwick
– Cubone wearing a cempasúchil crown
– Alolan Marowak
Get a chance to catch Pokemon that don’t appear during your hunting trip. By visiting the nearest Gym at the location, you can have some of the best Pokemon after winning grouped Gym battles, in the form of:
- One-Star Raids spawns a Pokemon – Cubone wearing a cempasúchil crown
- Three-Star Raids spawn Pokemon – Azumarill, Umbreon. Hariyama, Bombardier
- Five-Star Raids spawned the Pokemon – Darkrai
- Mega Raids spawn Pokemon – Mega Banette
How? Are you interested in joining Pokemon Go during the Día de Muertos event? Take this opportunity so you can evolve certain Pokemon with high CP & HP gains. To provide the excitement of enjoying more interesting online games, you can also join Postogel which is the largest online game provider website in Asia.